Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A Stomach Bug???

I know I have not posted lately, but last week was not a good week at the McCone household so there has just been no time. Alan started feeling sick last Tuesday evening and stayed sick...throwing up, etc., until Saturday. Like I said, it was not a good week. We were not 100% sure if it was a stomach bug or his chemo. How do you tell??? He takes his chemo daily, so we are just not sure. He finally started feeling human again Saturday evening and was able to enjoy some "real" cooking Sunday. My dad cooked ribs Sunday and they were WONDERFUL!!! If Alan would have missed that, he would have been not a happy camper.

Alan continues to have the back trouble, so just please pray for him. It has gotten to the point where the back issues are making his day to day activities harder. I can't even begin to tell you how hard it is for him to not be able to do things with the kids. It's devastating actually. I just ask that you pray for our family. I do not say this to be ugly, but until you have lived the life of cancer, you can never fully understand what families deal with on a day to day basis. Selfishly, I never did and I will admit that to anyone. Unfortunately, now I do. It's very hard and very stressful. Just pray for our family and any family dealing with that C word.

Back to the stomach bug, if it was a stomach bug, Lord, please do not let me or the kids get it. It hit Alan HARD!!!

Side Note***Sydney is doing great in school!!! No notes...yet!! WooHoo
Carson continues to get smarter and smarter every day!

"Our God is an Awesome God!!"


Pennington Posts said...

Bless Alan's heart, I hope he is feeling better. There has been a bug going around, so maybe that is what it was. You are so right about not knowing about what a cancer patient and family go through on a day to day basis. You have no clue until it hits home. But you guys have some things that lots of people don't have and that is your FAITH and HOPE. Can you imagine what it would be like without them? and yes OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD, HE REIGNS!!!!!! We continue to pray for God's healing hand on Alan.
Love and Prayers,

The Sullivan Four said...

You're right...the cancer patient and his or her family has to truly learn to live day by day, hour by hour...sometimes even minute by minute. But that's what teaches us to depend on God for strength. Please know that you are being lifted before the throne continuously!